Circle of the Soul Spiritual Order
50-52 N State St N Warren, PA 16365
(814) 230-9579
MONTHLY NEWSLETTER CIRCLE OF THE SOUL 50-52 * December 2024 - January 2025 *
Happy Holidays to Each of You, Time for some positive fun and food to cut the time of winter shorter. Those pagans knew what they were doing to cheer up the cold and darkness of winter with greenery and good food. I am hoping all of you create a time of meaning and good feelings to end the year and greet the new one. As you know, I really like winter. Right now I have made a really miraculous recovery from my knee woes and sciatica and are raring to go with it all. If I don't have to shovel too much snow I should be good to go for the rest of winter. And so, plans for 2025 are in the making. I will start a Beginner Meditation Class Wed. evenings on Jan. 7th if there is enough interest. Please let me know as soon as possible if you or someone you know plan to attend. The time will be 6:30 PM, runs for 8 weeks, and is by donation. Plans are in the making for the Advanced Meditation Class in June. As always, our Global Oneness Gathering is the first Sunday evening of every month at 6:30, being Jan. 5th coming up. We continue with our serious study of what it takes to make it spiritually beyond the ordinary. This encompasses what it means that we bring and give to the world. Everyone is welcome and, as always, is by donation. Please let me know if you are not a regular attender and plan on coming. This allows for me to prepare the proper number of handouts and arrange seating. I'm delighted to have Tyrel Zeiders back with us, after many years of being away. He is a spectacular Reiki teacher, something we have been waiting for for some time. If our timing can coordinate, we might be able to do some special work together for a new activity now and then. A new government administration is about to come in. It might be a good idea to pray for rightness for our country and the world. It has been proven many times that the more prayers of one kind being emphasized, the greater the results. I don't need to tell you these are crucial times. Each of us can do all we can to make our place in the world the best it can be. Most of the time, meaningful and lasting rightness comes from the bottom up. That means how we live, relate to others, give of our time and resources, reach out to the people around us, and truly care for our fellowman and the earth. This is what makes a strong and sustaining foundation for all of humanity. Everything depends on this and we are able and can do it. Big Fat Blessings, My Friends,and lets make this the absolute best year possible for all of us everywhere, lynn
PS: The loft library is always available with lots and lots of books!
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The following is a
special message for the new year from the entity
that I channel, Malcha: To all who care to learn, be at peace, my children, and see that all ye do comes from thy heart and not from fear or anger. We are a collective energy that each one of us contributes to. This can be unmanageable chaos or a new awareness of higher, unprejudiced caring. The choice is up to each person. We are moving into a time of outwardly proving what we have become over many lifetimes. No one will be excused from becoming who and what they truly are. Difficulties will continue for some time. So long as anyone is excluded from true universal caring, the strife will go on. Peace will come when each person is at peace and displays what authentic peace requires. And so, thy task is to do thy part, and this means RESPONDING to whatever crosses thy path and responding with authentic, unbiased caring. Think of what this can bring! It is not an impossible task, so before ye think, act, or speak in any way, be aware of the good or harm and hurtfulness this will contribute to thy world. The state of thy world in the days to come is entirely up to each and every human. It is THY world to do as ye wish with. It is helpful to realize that thy precious earth was the ultimate gift from thy creator. Ye have the choice to honor and cherish this or trample it in any ways that mankind wants. Also, be fully aware that every difficulty that exists is man-made and therefore can only be remedied by man. Think very carefully about what thy role can be at this time, for each person's contribution will determine the fate of humanity and the earth. Be wise, please, and heed this crucial opportunity. Blessings to all as ye create a new world. Amen to each of thee, amen.===================
Circle of the Soul Spiritual Order 50-52 N. State St., N. Warren, Pa (814) 230-9579
(From Deceptions and Myths of the Bible by L.M. Graham)
************************************************************************** SPECIAL NOTICE ! ! ! ************************************************************************* ANNOUNCING! Lynn Caufman (814) 230-9579
A reminder from Malcha: “If you can love all of humanity equally, you can change the world.”
The way we live our life is our offering to God.
The quality of our life is determined by how we handle our difficulties.
Circle of the Soul 50 - 52 N State St |
N Warren, PA 16365 (814) 230-9579 |
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We are an alcohol, tobacco and drug free facility. |